Klaus Holzkamp


Gerburg Treusch-Dieter


A.S. Neill


Peter L. Berger


Max Horkheimer


Pierre Bourdieu


Trin Minh Ha


Morus Markard


Hannah Arendt


Stuart Hall


Thomas Luckmann


Donna Haraway

Theodor W. Adorno


Karl Marx


Michel Foucault

Klaus Theweleit


Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak


Günther Anders


Bell Hooks


Klaus Ottomeyer


Simone de Beauvoir


Norbert Elias


Judith Butler


Lawrence Grossberg


Marshall McLuhan


George Herbert Mead


Frigga Haug


Sandra Harding

Jean Paul Sartre


Thomas Slunecko

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ICP: Theses on Psychology

1. Under circumstances of dominance the established psychology presents itself as a theory- and techniques-producing machine, which enforces and supports the western capitalistic ideologies of dominance, subjection, control, and self-blaming.

2. Human beings become materials: materials of data with which the science-machine is fed. The person vanishes as a single being, a individual, just to rise as a problem, deviation, factor of disturbance. Only in this form s/he has access to the matrix of evaluation and utilization.

3. The blindness towards the relationship between humans and society, the dialectics, is constitutional for psychology and has to be if she wants to fulfill with her duty, which is being subservient.







__Stop the Bomb

Impressum: Initiative kritische Psychologie Wien/Daniel Sanin